Experimental study of corrosion in steel fiber reinforced concrete incorporating alccofine using half cell potential method
Corrosion; half-cell potential; alccofine-1203; crimped steel fibers; electrochemical reaction.Abstract
This study focuses on the effect of corrosion in concrete due to change in parameters like w/c ratio, cover depth and reinforcement diameter. For this an experimental approach is carried out in laboratory where accelerated corrosion in the concrete was introduced by impressed current technique. In order to quantify the amount of corrosion occurred in concrete beams half cell potential method was used. Various results and patterns observed in this study is tabulated and thoroughly discussed in successive chapters. In order to find the change in mechanical strength in concrete due to corrosion flexural strength of beams were determined using center point loading method. Faraday’s law is used to find theoretical mass loss in reinforcement due to corrosion and results were compared with that obtained from experimental investigation. For the purpose of experimental investigation two different types of additives were added during casting of concrete. Firstly ultra fine slag Alccofine-1203 is used as partial replacement of cement. Addition of alccofine increases the packing density of concrete thus making concrete less permeable and due to which concrete becomes resistant to corrosion. Other additive used in this research work is crimped steel fibers 1% by weight of volume fraction of concrete as per previous literatures. Addition of steel fibers hinders the electrochemical process at reinforcement surface by reducing the availability of water and oxygen. Different sets of combinations of theses additives were used and tested in laboratory to observe their effect in hardened concrete to counter corrosion.