Numerical modelling of load-deflection behaviour of reinforced concrete beam-slabs


  • V.K. Mohamed Ameen
  • Bijily Balakrishnan
  • Swapnil Joshi
  • Devdas Menon


Nonlinear analysis; RC; beam-slab; grillage analogy; load-deflection; stiffness degradation.


An efficient computational technique for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete (RC) beam-slab systems (rectangular grids) using grillage analogy is proposed. A load-controlled algorithm has been adopted for tracing the complete load-deflection response till the ultimate load, under monotonic loading. Material modelling of reinforced concrete in the present study includes nonlinear stress-strain behaviour such as cracking of concrete, yielding of steel and tension-stiffening effect. The proposed methodology has been validated against the test data reported in the literature as well as the experiments conducted for the present study. The numerically generated load-deflection curves are found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. The main advantages of this procedure is that it gives a more accurate estimation of short-term deflections under service loads, and a more realistic distribution of moments and shear forces at the limit state of collapse. Further, the algorithm can be conveniently used in reliability analysis of reinforced concrete beam-slab systems.



How to Cite

Ameen, V. M., Balakrishnan, B., Joshi, S., & Menon, D. (2024). Numerical modelling of load-deflection behaviour of reinforced concrete beam-slabs. Journal of Structural Engineering, 44(5), 509–518. Retrieved from


