Thermal post-buckling of slender composite columns by using an equilibrium path method


  • K. Sanjay Anand Rao
  • G. Venkateswara Rao
  • R.K. Gupta


Slender composite column; finite element formulation; von - Karman geometric nonlinearity; equilibrium path method, thermal post-buckling.


Thermal pre-buckling and post-buckling behavior of slender composite columns is studied by using an equilibrium path method. The von-Karman strain-displacement relations are used to account for moderately large transverse deflections. The ends of the column are axially immovable. A column subjected to severe thermal environment experiences axial compressive load which makes the column to buckle at critical temperature. The column is capable of carrying additional thermal load beyond critical temperature till it reaches material compressive strength limits. In highly optimized structures, generally used in weight sensitive structural applications, this additional thermal load carrying capability beyond critical temperature of columns can be used effectively. A finite element formulation is developed in this paper to obtain the pre- and post-buckling response of composite columns using equilibrium path method.



How to Cite

Rao, K. S. A., Rao, G. V., & Gupta, R. (2024). Thermal post-buckling of slender composite columns by using an equilibrium path method. Journal of Structural Engineering, 44(5), 519–526. Retrieved from


