FEA simulation of connection behaviour between steel-foam concrete composite panels
FE analysis; double skin composite panel; profiled steel sheet; through-through studs; FE modelling; light weight foamed concrete.Abstract
This paper presents the details of the development and validation of finite element (FE) model by using ABAQUS/CAE Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software to simulate the connection behaviour between double skin composite wall and floor panels. The composite wall and floor panels consists of two skins of profiled steel sheet and infill of foam concrete connected together by through-through mild steel studs along the height and width to generate composite action. The connection between wall to wall panels is achieved by means of a composite connecting panel and between wall to floor panels by means of angles and bolts. A simplified half symmetric model of the specimen is developed. The top of the wall panel is subjected to constant axial compression load and the bending load is applied at the mid span of the floor panel. The simulation of failure mode, buckling patterns in the profiled steel sheet, load-floor deformation and connection behaviour by the simplified FE model are found to be comparable with those obtained from the experiments with reasonable degree of accuracy.